1. These Terms and Conditions specify the way of concluding a rental agreement of accommodation, the accounting rules and also the rules of cancelling a reservation within the Service provided electronically by the Service Provider.

    2. These Terms and Conditions are regulations mentioned in art. 8 par. 1 pt. 1 of the Act from 18.07.2002 about providing service electronically.


    Service Provider - Erik Winnelinckx, B&B Emarik Erik Winnelinckx, 6751737945, Podobin, 354, 34-735, Niedźwiedź

    Offer - the place of accommodation offered by the Service Provider in order to conclude the agreement of the accommodation through the website.

    Guest - an adult person with full legal capacity, legal person or organizational unit which is mentioned in par. 33 of the civil code, that concludes a rental agreement of accommodation with the Service Provider.

    Rental Agreement of Accommodation - a legal act concluded through the website upon confirmation of the reservation, regulating reciprocal rights and obligations of the Service Provider and the Guest. These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the concluded agreement. The regulations from the Act from the day 21.06.2001 about the protection of rights of tenants and commune-owned housing resources do not apply to the contract.

    Service - presentation of the offer of the Service Provider in the internet, allowing for the rental agreement of accomodation to be concluded on-line

    Electronic Form of Reservation - a form posted on the Service allowing for the rental agreement of accomodation to be concluded;

    The Complete Price of The Service - the complete price of the service indicated during making a reservation, including all of the duty resulting from tax proceeds and public imposts from the concluded rental agreement of accommodation

    Privacy Policy and Cookies - the document specifying the rules of personal data processing dokument and the use of cookies. The privacy policy and cookies are the Appendix nr 1 to the Terms and Conditions and is available on the website: PRIVACY POLICY AND COOKIES

    1. The types and the scope of services provided by electronic mean:

      1. concluding the rental agreements of accommodation

      2. sending emails in which the Service Provider confirms the creation of reservation among with its terms and the payment terms;

      3. the rules of registering and using your account on the website.

    2. Using the website is possible under the condition of meeting the following minimal technical requirements by the computer system of the Guest:

      1. an internet browser i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer in the current version,

      2. any software that allows for viewing PDF files,

      3. owning an active and correctly configured email account.


    1. The contract covers rental of accommodation offered by the Service Provider using the website. The agreement is concluded through the use of the Electronic Reservation Form with these subsequent steps - The Guest determines the exact date of the start and end of their stay, chooses the accommodation, declares the amount of people,

    2. The summary of the reservation appears after the Guest inputs all of the required data. In order to place the reservation it is necessary to enter all of the required personal data in the Electronic Reservation Form, accept the Terms and Conditions, send the reservation by pressing this button [Submit order].

    3. The rental agreement of accommodation is considered as concluded upon receiving the Electronic Reservation Form by the Service Provider, which is confirmed by displaying a message confirming acceptance of the reservation and displaying its number.

    4. The Guest receives an email with the confirmation of the agreement after the agreement is concluded. This email includes the indication of all of the important provisions, especially stating the Complete Price of The Service, date and way of payment and the condition of accepting and cancelling a reservation. In case of prepayments, the date of the payment is indicated along with information about the effect of the date having lapsed. The lack of prepayment on time indicated in the email cancels the reservation and leads to the Service Provider withdrawing from the rental agreement of accommodation without indicating an additional date for honoring the obligation.

    5. It is not permitted to sublet the accommodation that is the subject of the Offer or to transfer it or make it available to third parties.


    1. Not completing the activities described in the message that includes the confirmation of the reservation on time automatically cancelling the reservation and cancels the reservation and leads to the Service Provider withdrawing from the rental agreement of accommodation without indicating an additional date for honoring the obligation.

    2. Cancelling or rebooking are possible using the link provided in the email or by contacting the Customer Service. Using the above mentioned link allows for instant cancelation of the reservation on conditions accepted during the order process in the Electronic Reservation Form.


    1. In case of establishing a provision of service that is not in accordance with the agreement, the Guest should state all complaints in writing or in form of an email within 14 days from the end of stay.

    2. The Complaint should have this data of the Guest: name, surname, email address stated during the reservation, indication of the problem.

    3. The Service Provider shall consider the complaint within 14 days from receiving it. The client is informed about it in the same form: in writing or by email.

    4. If information in the complaint require completion, the Service Provider will contact the Guest in order to provide them within the date set to recognise the complaint. The date that is mentioned in pt 3 starts for the Service Provider upon receiving a completed complaint.

    5. In case of refusal of the complaint the Service Provider is obliged to provide a detailed explanation of the refusal in writing or by email.


    1. The person making a reservation online is fully responsible for the correctness of the data provided in the Electronic Reservation Form. The Service Provider is not responsible for the incorrectly picking the date of stay or incorrectly entering the data in the form. In the event of irregularities that cannot be corrected by editing the booking, please contact the Service Provider urgently.

    2. The contact details are available in the ‘Contact’ tab, at the top of the booking calendar or in emails.

    3. The agreement is subject to Polish law.

    4. The customer declares that he has been informed about the content of art. 38 pt. 12 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights, according to which in the case of contracts for the provision of accommodation services, other than for residential purposes, the consumer is not entitled to the provisions of art. 27 of this Act, hence, the right to withdraw from a distance contract.

ⓒ 2020-2025 B&B Emarik